Social Emotional Assessment

Social Emotional Assessment | Grand Junction | Fruita | Colorado

Social-Emotional Assessment

This is a therapeutic assessment of the parent/child relationship, attachment, and the child’s mental health needs using the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health & Development Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: 0-5 (Clinical Disorders of the child, Relationship Classification, Medical & Developmental Disorders, Psychosocial & Environmental Stressors, and Emotional & Social Functioning), Functional-Emotional Assessment Scale and other assessment tools (e.g. trauma screeners, Parenting Stress Index, Child Behavior Checklist, etc.) to observe and assess the child’s functioning capacity with each caregiver/setting and overall impact to their early childhood mental health.

This assessment provides recommendations regarding improving the parent/child relationship and repair disrupted attachment, services to strengthen parent protective capacities, parenting time interventions, and services/interventions to promote the social-emotional development of the child.

“The emotional well-being of young children is directly tied to the emotional functioning of their caregivers and the families in which they live.”

– National Scientific Council on the Developing Child